Bocadillo de Jamon Iberico

Jamon Iberico Bocadillo (Sandwich)

Bocadillo de jamón is a sandwich that is made with Spanish bread and slices of Spanish ham such as jamón Serrano (Serrano ham) or jamón Iberico (Iberian ham). It usually consists of a Spanish-style baguette (barra de pan) that’s been cut in half along the middle and layered with the ham.

The cut side of the bread is often drizzled with olive oil and rubbed with ripe tomato halves to make the sandwich juicier and more flavorful.


Freshly baked baguette or white loaf of bread

Olive oil

Ripe tomato

Manchego cheese

Jamón 100% Ibérico 


Open a freshly baked baguette in two

Drizzle with olive oil

Cut in half a ripe tomato and rub it on the bread

Add slices of Manchego cheese

Put several slices of the finest cured meat on earth: Jamón 100% Ibérico. Enjoy!

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Jamon Iberico Bocadillo (Sandwich)